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I wonder what would have happened...

… had I carried on with chemotherapy treatment? Regular readers will recall that last May I started on some chemotherapy to help slow down the progress of my relapsed multiple myeloma blood cancer.  And you'll also recall that things didn't go well, and that within hours of my second dose I suffered a really bad heart arrhythmia.  I found out at my pacemaker clinic check-up a few weeks ago that so bad in fact was the episode that my heartbeat machine-gunned away at an average of over 180 times a minute for over 16 hours!  And it wasn't just the speed.  Its rhythm was also akin to a Lars Ulrich drum solo so erratic was its timekeeping. a jolly old picture of something that is dying!!!  a tulip Now, call me something other than a cardiac expert here, but I know my own body and I seriously doubt I'd have managed to survive episodes such as this every 2 weeks and then monthly over the past year.  And I was (unofficially) told the same thing by someone who I do regard as kno

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