quantum bunkum

I watched a very interesting programme on my television today titled “What Universe Do We Live In?”  It set out quantum theory that there are an infinite number of parallel universes.  The theory goes on to provide that a different universe exists for every single decision we make.  So, say I leave my house and turn left, another universe exists where I turn right.

And so on.  Infinitely.

I think I can just about grasp this concept.  A universe where I’m not ill.  One where I put a pink tie on to go to my work; one where I go to the office with my underwear on my head.  One where I haven’t started a blog.  One where you’re not reading this.  You get the picture?

But I have one major problem with this theory.  A problem which means that it simply cannot be correct.

You see, if such infinite universes exist, for everyone who has ever lived on this or any other planet, and for everything they have done or could have done in their lifetime, then it is surely statistically absolutely unarguably certain that either through accident or design, someone, somewhere, sometime has proved this theory correct and synchronized all the universes into one.  It must be.  Over the billions of years, with an infinite number of planets and an infinite number of decisions, it’s simply impossible for this not to have happened. 

If such universes exist that is.

They obviously don’t, or I wouldn’t have been able to watch the programme.  There’d have been no need for it.  And all the quantum theorists would be working in bars or sweeping up streets.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

what planet are they on?!?!


  1. .... and isn't it interesting that some people have jobs where all they have to do all day is put forth unproved theories.......where was that table at the job fair when I was looking for a job??? I'm TOTALLY qualified to spew forth untested ideas! LOL Maybe you and I should set that table up for the next generation...... ;)

    1. but they say this theory is proven, mathematically. Then you see the equation which is mind blowing in the least. It's all a bit "Emperor's New Clothes" if you ask me

    2. I'm sorry....math is all a hoax......lol ;)

    3. If the universe is infinite, then there are infinite possibilities. And as for untested theories - most Research (medical, technical ...) starts with a theory to be proved or disproved. And along the way, discoveries are made, sometimes by accident. So most research is valid (i was going to say 'all research' then I thought of some tin-pot subjects that don't deserve the time of day - Scientology for example!!)
      I'm a firm believer in ''knowledge for the sake of knowledge'. Curiosity has got us where we are today. (Now that might of course be considered a bad thing - but let's not get onto Trump.)

    4. Grrr. My computer self-corrected trump to Trump. Only proper nouns start with a capital letter - trump is anything but proper.


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